The iPod (whichever one is new this week) is supposed to be an indicator of cool. But with everyone from the third-grader next door to his great aunt Hazel sporting an MP3 player, is there really anything distinguishing about it?
There can be, if you know what to add to it. Not technologically (who needs to watch movies on a 2" screen anyway?), but artistically. Enter the iPod case.

Forget anything sold by Apple. To have your own piece of flair, get a fancy-schmancy one from
MOMA (left), or find a handmade one on
Etsy. There are a bunch of designer ones out there, from the Gucci/Kate Spade/Vuitton crowd, but those are boring.
If you want to be unique, make your own. See what others have created on
Craftster and get instructions too. Or check out the classy ones at
Pixel Girl. Then go show that third grader what cool really is.