So it's February, and everyone is all excited about Valentine's Day- or more likely, dreading it. But V-day isn't the only celebration that takes place in month 2. For example, did you know that February 1st is the day the Royal Canadian Mounted Police came into existence? Or that the 10th is Umbrella Day?

There are
many events in February that don't involve hearts, flowers, or chocolate (well, Toothache Day might be related to chocolate).
It's also
National Embroidery Month and
National Grapefruit Month. To make sure that you're distracting people from things involving cupids or roses, tote around an umbrella from
Bruce Harman (above) or

something embroidered with a pirate from
Sublime Stitching(right).
Or, you could just buckle down and try not to stand out. After all, the 22nd is National Be Humble Day.