I'm generally not a person who gets all that worked up about kitchen stores. Cooking is fun (though not as much fun as eating), but it's not like I'm gonna get high on a really nice set of pots.
There is an exception. As my mother pointed out after we made a pilgrimage to Ikea, I really like glasses (she must have noticed that I picked up all 2,019 of them in the store). Napa Style has some really nice stemless champagne flutes etched with botanical designs (tumblers, too!). They'd probably look just as nice filled with grape juice, or a low-priced wine equivalent.
Aforementioned Ikea has lots of lovelies, too, from blue cocktail glasses to the super groovy Komedi model, right.
Nearly every glass offered at MoMA is miles above your average clear cylinder, from the inside-out champagne glasses to these bright, swooping, almost-but-not-quite juvenile curved glasses (below).
But the prize for Best Glasses Ever goes to the wares from WarauKoppu (top). If those smiling carafes don't make getting your daily dosage of H2O a little better, well, you don't deserve them.