Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Announcing the triumphant return...

...of this blog. Coming in January. Because if I post things here now, it will ruin my family's Christmas.

(almost as exciting as parkour off a mobile home)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Time for tulips

It's almost spring! Ok, so it's only January and it takes 20 minutes to defrost my windshield every morning. But each day the light lasts a little longer, and in my book, that means the hibernation is almost over.

Which hopefully means that the twig craze is about to go away along with barren branches. You know what I mean: the bronze willow stick earrings, the twig-with-bird-charm necklaces, the budding this, that and everything else. Enough already.

From tulip prints to tulip tattoos actual tulip bulbs, nothing says spring like the flower of windmills and wood clogs.

The tulip print shown here is from Prinsen Photography & Designs on, of course, Etsy.