Professionally ethical, that is. See, a couple of weeks ago I was forced to write about a sport called snow body boarding. (The brand name is Airboard, which will definitely overtake "snow body boarding" as the name of choice.)
So one glorious afternoon, I went to a ski area and got to talk to the cool people who own the Airboard company, and I got to learn how to Airboard, and long story short: Airboards are freaking cool.
I like sledding. I like skiing. I've even been known to snowboard. But like the girl on the late-night-cell-phone-singles-chat commercial says, This could be something real.
It's fast, it's fun, and at a select few resorts, you can use them on groomed slopes. Plus it looks a lot harder than it is, which means that non-Airboarders will look at you with awe even if you wipe out (trust me).
So even though I wrote about Airboards for work, I think it's okay if reiterate here that they're really cool. If not, I'm sure my secret is safe with the literally plural of you.