It wasn't long before I realized that the precious pooch couldn't just have a regular ID tag. No, he needed something as beautiful and unique as he was. I scoured the internet, where I found gemstone encrusted tags (ugh), silver and gold tags (only your wallet will know it's not from Petco) and heart-shaped tags (dorky).
Fortunately, I finally stumbled upon Fetching Tags, which had exactly what I was looking for. They make dog (and cat) ID tags that are original, durable and witty. You can choose from one of their sayings ("Hound of Love" to "Treat Whore") or make up your own. And unlike the ones marketed towards the Paris Hilton set, they are neither trashy nor ridiculously expensive.
So now my sweet puppy, Bond, has an actual license to lick. It may carry a little less weight than his namesake's license to kill, but it gets a heck of a lot more compliments. Especially from me.