There are so many website on the internet, and so few that are worth spending time at. This is particularly true of blogs. Unlike this bog, some people will just put any old junk on their page. Two blogs that are at least as cool as this one are
What I Wore and Sarah's spot.
What I Wore (not to be confused with is NOT a daily entry of what she wore that day. It's actually a window-shopping blog like this one, but is devoted to beauty and fashion.
Sarah's Spot is what most people think of when they think blog. It's an online journal, written by a mom who has a toddler. And it's good. Most people think their lives are this interesting. Sarah actually has the sense to edit her life for the rest of the world so that it actually is. And she can write. Oh, and did I mention the recipe for healthy Ding Dongs?
Finally, I joined the millions of people who mistyped "Gmail" the URL box and ended up at Gamil. I was intrigued by their tea stick (above), and the fact that they are cleverly profiting off of finger slips.