Hmmm, it's been awhile. Either there was a distinct lack of neat-o in the world for a few months, or weddings are more time consuming than I thought.
But it doesn't matter. Because now it's November, which means that, yes, I hear sleigh bells ringing. I don't care if Thanksgiving is still a week away: It's Christmas!
I can't wait to get a tree, but I will wait, because I don't want it to dry out and become a fire hazard before the presents are even wrapped. In the meantime, I can absorb the festivus emitted by fiber optic trees, tinsel trees, and even the retro Evergleam trees.
There are all kinds of decorative/funky/non-organic trees available. What lack in scent, they make up for in holiday spirit. They may even inspire a rendition of "Oh Tannenbaum."
And for real holiday spirit, Aid to Artisans sells cool things (like the tree shown here) and helps people in developing countries.