Sunday, April 30, 2006

The SUV of sports watches

One of the main reasons I like running is the simplicity of it. I can pretty much run anywhere, anytime, for any distance, with a minimal amount of equipment. The most gadget-y item that accompanies running is a pair of sunglasses.

But all that has changed, thanks to three letters: GPS.

Various companies have incorporated GPS technology into watch form, which allows runners to see where they are, where they're going, and at what speed. Plus you can set them to a certain pace, and the device will tell you if you're going too slow or too fast.

The most enticing feature, to me, is that the GPS will measure distance traveled. Trail runners, scramblers and just about anyone who doesn't always run on a track can benefit from not having to guesstimate how long that 45-minute run really was.

These things are fabulous, but they aren't cheap. $300 to feel like James Bond in a sports bra might be a bit much. Then again, I thought that about the iPod...